Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Over the weekend I was reading Planet Dog: A Doglopedia by Sandra Choron and Harry Choron. I got this from the library, but I can see purchasing this very charming book in the future.

This highly entertaining book has absolutely everything you want to know about dogs and then some. It's chock full of doggie quotes, over 300 dog-centric lists to include 8 Weird Laws About Dogs,66 Great Dog Movies and 25 Poor Excuses for Giving Up Your Dog. There are book recomendations, dog factoids and website recommendations. There is information on breeds, life expectancy of each breed, nicknames for different breeds and dog show terminology.

I especially enjoyed the dogs in literature section and all of the information on why not to buy your puppy from a pet store. (i can't believe this is still done). This book also contains a guide to how to say "dog" in 131 languages (kringmerk is Inuit for dog), tells about children raised by dogs, a list of the gassiest and noisiest dogs and discusses the many jobs performed by dogs-my favorite- bovine estrus detector. You guessed it, these dogs sniff out the cows ready for mating.

This book is an absolute must for those who love our furry friends or for those who enjoy trivia presented in an easy to read, entertaining format.

"The poor dog, in life the firmest friend, the first to welcome, foremost to defend." Lord Byron


Anonymous said...

Doglopedia was what caught my attention. I was just out browsing around today looking for information on coolest kid in the world, and happened accross your blog. Although it's not completely related to coolest kid in the world, it certainly made me stop and ponder. Thanks for the great read Libby...I'll be back.

Anonymous said...

Hey Libby...I was browsing for information on coolest kid in the world when I stumbled on to your blog. I can tell why with your latest post on Doglopedia it really caught my attention. I'd love to see more information about coolest kid in the world and I'll come back by to see what you have going on here as well. Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

A friend told me about your blog so came to check it out. First of all, dont leave here!! Secondly, the book is perfect for my sons birthday so after reading about it here, jumped on Amazon and its on its way. Thanks!!! I would never have thought of this for one of his gifts so he will love you!!!

Anonymous said...

Doglopedia was what caught my attention. I was just out browsing around today looking for information on the coolest kid in the world, and happened accross your blog. Although it's not completely related to the coolest kid in the world, it certainly made me stop and ponder. Thanks for the great read Libby...I'll be back.

Anonymous said...

Holy smokes!!! I've been trying all day to find little know sources of "real" people online with thoughts and ideas about coolest kid in the world. I stumbled on to your porst about Doglopedia and although it's not exactly what I was looking for, it certainly caught my attention. I'm personally building a resource for coolest kid in the world and hope you might stop by and check it out when you have a chance...let me know your thoughts. I'll be sure to send people this way as well. Thanks Libby...Cheers!