Friday, April 16, 2010

Round Up

R.I.P. Wilma Mankiller and Robert Culp.

R.I.P. Dixie Carter-you wowed us as Julia Sugarbaker, and even though I didn't agree with your politics, I thought you were a fine performer.

An entire site dedicated to faux bois (fake wood).

This absinthe spoon is gorgeous.

All of these home libraries at book lovers never go to bed alone, makes my book-loving heart go thumpity-thump-thump.

Let me introduce you to the world's toughest bacterium-Deinococcus Radiodurans.

Here we go again with the 10 worst and best foods. It's such a gyp that the worst foods are all so yummy and the best are oh so bland, boring, pedestrian, etc., etc.

I look at places like these Cottages at Cabot Cove and think how wonderful it would be to go to someplace like that or to even be able to live someplace like that. That's my first thought. My second is-they probably don't let minorities visit much less live there.

DLL Rainwear-meets all of your rainy day needs. They have primo wellies.

A nifty little organizer to store all of your medical information-Pocket Doc.

Wonder how these taste-Salted Brown Butter Rice Krispie Treats. Love Smitten Kitten.

I just finished two nonfiction books. The first one is Sweater Quest: My Year of Knitting Dangerously by Adrienne Martini. I go through periods where I read quite a bit of nonfiction narrative and I really enjoyed this book. I think the majority of knitters have heard of Alice Starmore and the Mary Tudor sweater. Ms. Martini's book describes how she took on the challenge of knitting the Mary Tudor. This funny, informative ( I learned so much more about the Tudors from the author and she presented the history in a fun informative way) book is not just about knitting. It's about life. How life gets in the way of our goals. It's about perseverance and yarn, and knitting blogs and on and on. Great read.

The second book was also good. Harry Truman's Excellent Adventure: The True Story of a Great American Road Trip by Matthew Algeo. After Harry and Bess Truman left the White House, they retired to Independence, Missouri and lived the lives of ordinary citizens. They only had President Truman's small military pension to live on. This was long before the days of large Presidential pensions, Secret Service protection for life and $250,000 payment for 1 speaking engagement.

When I was reading this delightful, well-researched book I was not shocked, but a bit surprised to realize how much has changed in over 50 years. In 1953 Harry and Bess took a road trip-no Secret Service, just Harry and Bess. They stayed in small motels, as well as some very ritzy places, ate in diners and explored America. The author retraces their 2,500 mile trip. When I was reading this book I became very fond of these two. In so many ways they were just plain folk. And President Truman was really a stand up guy who never wanted special treatment from anyone (even though people just naturally gave it to him). Read this wonderful book about a time long since gone and I think you will become as fond of Harry and Bess as I did. Here is a book review from the Washington Post newspaper.

There are oysters in my beer.

Submit an idea to Idea a Day. Read some of the ideas in the archive. There are some good ones.

Going somewhere, check out AIRBNB.

Whenever I see things like this poster I do have to stop and take stock and realize how very fortunate I am. Do I have the ideal life I dreamed about? No. Do I have every material thing I want? No. Do I have the job that I have always wanted? No, but I have a job, I have a home, I have so much more than so many.

I am not a coffee drinker, but whenever I walk past a Starbucks and see the long lines and I know how expensive all of those fancy coffee drinks are, I think how so many people live on $1.00 a day. A dollar a day. I also think how those same people in line wouldn't give a dime to the homeless man they just passed on the way to their corporate watering hole.

I guess that's my rant for the day.

That's all for this week. Have a nice weekend. It's going to be in the 60's here so I am very happy about that.

"At least two-thirds of our miseries spring from human stupidity, human malice and those great motivators and justifiers of malice and stupidity: idealism, dogmatism and proselytizing zeal on behalf of religous or political ideas. " Aldous Huxley

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