Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Round Up

There's something about the smell of bacon cooking that makes me want to give up my vegetarian ways. It really sets my mouth to watering. A friend of mine told me about a recipe, well not really a recipe, more a procedure that sounds delicious. You take some cooked, crumbled up bacon, mix it in a scoop of maple ice cream (maple walnut would be devine) and then put it over french toast. OH MY GOD!!!!!!

My elf name si Batty Monkey-Buns. Appropriate for me these days in so many ways. What's yours?

This is only relevant for those folks in the WDC area that take the subway and use a Smart Trip card. I purchased the card when they first came out even though at that time I only took the subway 1 or 2 times a week. I was tired of purchasing a farecard and then having it not work. Supposedly people's phones were wreaking havoc with the paper cards, but my phone was seldom on so I never understood how that was happening.

Anywho, I am now taking public transportation all the time, and I found out that these indestructable Smart Trip cards can get damaged. I dropped mine last week and I didn't even realize there was a tiny crack in the middle of it. Not until I went to add value to my card did I find this out. So yes, they can crack and mess up your whole day.

The Horticulture Society of New York has a blog.

I heard this toast over the weekend and thought, oh yes, this is a keeper. I've been collecting quotes and toasts for years and will have to add this one to my collection.

May you kiss whom you please
and please whom you kiss.
But love only the one whose lips
you would miss

Can't remember what number the lords-a-leaping are-Christmas Carol Database. And speaking of Christmas look at these 12 Days of Christmas plates. More here. I keep seening more and more 12 Days of Christmas themed items. I also saw some napkins with this them, but can't recall where.

I've been seeing the preview for the movie Beowulf a lot. I won't be seeing this movie, but I was wondering what other movies had been inspired by poems. Of course soemone else was also wondering and compiled a list. Another movie list-9 famous jewels from the movies. I don't know-Kryptonite a jewel??

I have fallen in love with these Chinese laudry tubs.

The snowman doughnuts are back. I'm waiting for some snow women.

This is different than I thought it was going to be, but the Curehunter Visual Medical Dictionary is a graphic display of words dictionary. Search for a disease or drug and the viewer will get not only a list of relevant results, but a technical definition and a drug-disease relationship network graph.

This years Pimp My Bookcart winners. Oh to work in a fun library.

Love these wooden birds. These cuties were designed by Kristian Vedel in the late '50s. They have been re-issued and are available here.

2 interesting Flickr photo sets. Here and here.

That's all folks.

"Santa Claus has the right idea; visit people once a year." Victor Borge

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