Friday, April 28, 2006

Friday Round Up

How many of us will pick up a book simply because the book cover caught our attention? I think a lot of us can respond with resounding, I do, to that question. Covers is a site where people can comment on what works and what doesn't work with book cover design.

Though cute as can be, the whole Hello Kitty empire has escaped me. I felt the same way about Beanie Babies. That being said I absolutely love this totem pole.

The American Woman's Dime Novel Project grew out of Felicia Carr's research for her dissertation"All For Love: Gender and Class and the Woman's Dime Novel in Nineteenth-Century America" which examines the genre of women's dime novel writing and its role in changing gender and class formations. I can't believe I have never heard of the majority of these authors. Very interesting site.

While perusing the web looking for librariana, specifically library postcards to add to my collection, I came across Postcards from Provence. The creator of this lovely site posts an image of a small oil painting mostly daily of his adopted home in Provence.

The Sun Maid Raisin box will be getting a digital facelift. The real Sun Maid was Lorraine Collete, who worked for the company and posed for the box image in 1916. Through the years the box has gone through some small updates, but nothing major. The new digimodel will still have the same red bonnet and long hair. I don't know, but she seems a bit creepy to me. Check her out.

Have a nice weekend.

"There is a vast world of work out there in this country, where at least 111 million people are employed in this country alone--many of whom are bored out of their minds. All day long. Not for nothing is their motto TGIF -- 'Thank God It's Friday.' They live for the weekends, when they can go do what they really want to do."
-Richard Nelson Bolles, What Color is Your Parachute?, 1970

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Libby,

Thank you for the "Covers" link, it is terrific. I just got a big book about Chip Kidd, I spend a lot of time admiring dust jackets but miss a former colleague who used to give pithy brief critiques. Pleased to have this site to share with her!

How do you find these things? Very creepy new raisin girl! WHY do they do things like this? Looks like a Barbie. No charm!