Monday, April 30, 2012
Good Bye
Hope to see you there.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Round Up
Top 20 books of 2012-thus far.
Private collector gives road and street maps to Stanford.
BRB Publications publishes public record information in the form of directories, guides to court records and more. They also have an informative blog.
Did you know that Dr Pepper doe not have a period after the word Dr. Scroll down to the Name Formatting section of this Wikipedia entry.
I've found oodles of items that I want to read by perusing the Alternatives in Print Directory.
Some books that have sparked an interest: An Alphabet of London (Merrell Publishers) by Christopher Brown and Sisters: An Anthology (Paris Press Books) edited by Jan Freeman, Emily Wojcik and Deborah Bull.
Great, cool and educational- Essential Questions in American History.
Interesting article about the comma.
I've mentioned Paxton Gate in this blog before, but they are so fabulous and so worthy of another mention.
Chandelier made from an Ikea bowl.
The Harry Potter Alphabet.
I don't have a lot to post this time. I've been a bit busy of late. Have a great weekend. Until next time. I leave you with a beautiful dogwood. I love their lacy crookedness.
"There's nothing that keeps its youth, So far as I know, but a tree and truth." Oliver Wendell Holmes
Tuesday, April 03, 2012
Round Up
It's National Poetry Month.
Next week (April 8-14, 2012) is National Library Week.
Great post about libraries in lighthouses over at the Library History Buff Blog.
Good tips for researching science information.
Diggin'-Bess Lovejoy, Panera's Mediterranean Egg White Sandwich-it's vegetarian, I think the photograph of the sandwich is something else-looks like it has bacon and Happy Goat Caramel Sauce (scroll down the page for the sauce).
Would love to try the Salty Pimp.
Article about pop-up libraries.
Earth Science Picture of the Day and Molecule of the Month.
Books that have caught my eye: Cloudette (Macmillan) by Tom Lichtenfeld and Babel No More: The Search for the World's Most Extraordinary Language Learners (Free Press) by Michael Erard.
Are you a lover of essays? Wander over to The Pedestrian.
Child authors.
Sad, but oh so true article about race in The Hunger Games and the racial state of this society-very, very , very sad, but not surprising.
Article about the Nelson Mandela Digital Archive. Reading the letter he wrote to his daughters will bring tears to your eyes.
That's all for this week. Have a good one.
"Poetry is language at its most distilled and most powerful." Rita Dove
Poetry is not only dream and vision; it is the skeleton architecture of our lives. It lays the foundations for a future of change, a bridge across our fears of what has never been before. | ||
Audre Lorde |
Poetry is not only dream and vision; it is the skeleton architecture of our lives. It lays the foundations for a future of change, a bridge across our fears of what has never been before. | ||
Audre Lorde |
Poetry is not only dream and vision; it is the skeleton architecture of our lives. It lays the foundations for a future of change, a bridge across our fears of what has never been before. | ||
Audre Lorde |
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Girl Scouts
So here's a Happy 100th Anniversary to you Girl Scouts.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Round Up
Wonderful sentiment-the Holstee Manifesto. I guess this manifesto is similar to Desiderata was back in my day-when I used to get called "Miss". I had Desiderata on the wall of my room when I was a teen. Still love the words.
Please don't tell A., but I have once again been cheating on him-from afar anyway. I have a huge crush on Robert Krulwich. There it's out in the open now. I've been jonesin on him for quite a few years now. From Radiolab, to all of the pieces he does for NPR-his Krulwich Wonders blog is one of my favorites, Mr. Krulwich I salute you!!!!!
Old Maps Online-hours of perusing fun!!
Inever knew there were leather license plates. And if you have one it is worth a pretty penny.
Family of Rock family trees.
Tupac Shakur Collection debuts at Atlanta University Center Library.
I think I would like Dr. Lucy Worsley's job.
The ways that humans alter their bodies has always interested me, especially foot binding. Reshaping the Body: Clothing and Culture looks like a very interesting digital exhibition. I see they have a section on Lotus Shoes.
Love a good essay and after looking at Flavorwires list of 10 contemporary essayists I see I have a few more to add to my TBR list.
Interesting article on why we have sliced bread.
I've been saying this for years-people are getting ruder and it stinks!!!
8 places with scrumptious looking doughnuts\donuts-and not one of them in my area-DRATS!
Appropriately named sweet-Fat Ass Fudge.
I became fascinated with invasive species when I worked at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Library. We had a lot of reference queries about zebra mussels. Well there's a newish invasive species in town-Rock Vomit. Ewwww....
To travel without luggage (even 1 carry on can be a bother) would be heaven. I thought this was something that only the super wealthy could do, but the prices on LugLess aren't that bad.
This is something else that has been making the rounds just like the Holstee Manifesto. Portia Nelson's (she was an actress and singer) Autobiography in Five Short Chapters.
That's all for this week. Have a good one.

"Acceptance of one's life has nothing to do with resignation; it does not mean running away from the struggle. On the contrary, it means accepting it as it comes, with all the handicaps of heredity, of suffering, of psychological complexes and injustices." - Paul Tournier
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Round Up
Discover Canadian books at The 49th Shelf.
There are so many book illustrators that I am ga-ga over and I've addd Caroline Woodward to my list.
Go to the website Simply Read Books and perform a search. So adorable!!!
50 wonderful books for an 11-year old. Oh my, I've missed some of these.
Love maps and the maps at They Draw and Travel are great. If you can draw why not submit a map of someplace special to you.
And speaking of maps, look at all of these map pillows.
The 10 best fictional bookstores in pop culture.
Relax, take your shoes off and peruse Wayfare magazine.
36 Hours is one of my favorite columns from my favorite newspaper.
The Forest Lodge Library in Cable, Wisconsin is my style of library. Just seeing the photographs evokes the scent of pine woods and settling down in a cozy chair with a good book while the snow falls silently to the ground. (okay, I got carried away with my longings there).
As many of you have heard after 244 years the print version of Encyclopedia Brittanica will no longer be published. I can still see the set we had when I was growing up. I read it from cover to cover and learned so much. A much more fertile brain in those days....
The last volume of the Dictionary of American Regional English has been published. Finally. I am thrilled and wish I could afford to have this in my home. Hours and hours of perusing fun.
2 books that have sparked an interest: Emma's Journey by Claire Fossard and Etienne Fossard, and In a Different Light: Reflections and Beauty of Wise Women of Color by Dorothy Bailey.
That's all I have for this week. It's going to be in the 80's today and that mean that I am not A HAPPY CAMPER. It's bad enough living in a boiling inferno from May until my beloved October, but it's MARCH for heaven's sake. That's my rant for today.

"Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place." Zora Neale Hurston
Thursday, March 08, 2012
Round Up

It's International Woman's Day (March 8th). (can't link to the site, but here is a nice history of International Woman's Day)
I'm not going to provide a link, but I am so thrilled that I don't live in Virginia.
Locating London's Past
Chotie Darling-World War II letters from Richard "Dicker" Williams to his sweetheart Chotie.
2012 Ted Prize-usually this prize is given to a person; this year the prize went to an organization-The City 2.0. Love TED.
Heaven-the recipe for Laduree's Macarons Framboise. You know I am not a Francophile, but I was raised by one and I live with one. It seems like I am becoming a bit more enamored with France as time goes on. Who knows I may go to France to taste the real Laduree's Macarons.
30 years of Banned Books Posters.
Ooh la la-Flirty Aprons.
You have probably heard of Gilbert and Sullivan's HMS Pinafore Song, I Am the Very Model for a Modern Major General. Let me introduce you to I Am the Very Model of a Modern-Day Librarian sung to the same tune as Gilber and Sullivan's song. (scroll down a bit to find the song)
I am old enough to remember working in a public library and using the rubber stamp Lazy Susan on a regular basis. Crazy about the Library History Buff Blog.
So someone else besides me is a lover of the two-lane road.
I am smitten by BBC Radio 4's Desert Island Discs. I could listen to them all day long. The host of the shows asks various folks, authors, politicians, singers, celebrities, etc. what 8 records they would take if they knew they were going to be stranded on a desert island. The program has been airing since 1942.
Artist Marc Johns' drawings rock.
The First World War Poetry Digital Archive. I had to type that 3 times. I kept putting the word Digital before the word Archive. Hmmm.......
Top 50 romantic lines from literature.
That's all for this week. I would be remiss if I didn't complain about "springing ahead" this weekend. I have complained every years for the last 7 years on this blog about how much I hate DST, about how I want/need it to be ligth at 6:00 a.m. and dark at 6:00 p.m. every day, about how I don't understand what purpose it serves being light at 9:00 p.m, about how much I hate going to work in the dark, about how sorry I feel for the kids waiting for the schoolbus in the dark, and on an on. I know my loyal blog readers wouldn't want to miss hearing all of that for the seventh year!!
Have a good one.
"If men can run the world, why can't they stop wearing neckties? How intelligent is it to start the day by tying a little noose around your neck?" ~ Linda Ellerbee