Friday, June 27, 2008

Round Up

If I were a bird I think that I would have to move into one of these temple birdhouses.

I just found out the other day that Tasha Tudor passed away on June 18, 2008. She was 93 born the same year as my dear Gran who passed away 5 years ago. Tasha Tudor was a children's literature illustrator and author. She also had a very interesting lifestyle. Here is a website about her. Here is another.

Another documentary to add to my list of must sees-The Listening Project.

Want to find out about green practices for your library: Going Green at Your Library has some great ideas.

I'm crushed. My blog didn't make Time's list of 50 Best Websites for 2008.

Also, Tech Time's 50 coolest websites.

I love these pillows by Norajane on Etsy.

Fun visual search engine: Search Me.

I think we all have done the experiment of attempting to fry an egg on the sidewalk on a steamy, hot summer day. This woman has taken this to the next step. She bakes cookies in her car. Very eco-friendly.

I may have posted this before, but I get excited every time I see a different version of my beloved periodic table. This one is of dessert. Yum!!!

A More Perfect Union from Andrew Sloat on Vimeo. The Preamble to the Constitution spelled out by 40 people in a New York gym.

As I have indicated previously, I love outdoor art. You can stick just about anything outside and it captures my attention moreso than it would if the object were inside. The di Rosa Preserve is thought to be the most significant collection of Bay Area art. Read the history and peruse some the art . It's incredible.

Want to publish your own magazine. Look at MagCloud.

I think the next bottle of wine that I give as a gift will have to include one of these Popptags.

Have a great weekend.

"What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner." - Collette


Rhea said...

Eh, the Time list is not as great as all that. I didn't make it either.

Anonymous said...

Oh Libby,

You keep me informed. Hadn't heard about Ms. Tudor -- and she is a particular favorite of mine, love her books and the books about her, there are also a couple swell films. Darn, I think I wanted to be her...such an interesting life she led.

You are on my top websites list!