Friday, March 23, 2007

Round Up

I learned a new word this week. Blint.

Blint: The glob of dried product that is found at the dispensing tip of products like lotion and hair conditioner when excess product has accumulated there.

Of course these folks would have blogs:

Google Employee Blogs

Yahoo Employee Blogs

RUSA (Reference and User Services Association/ALA)

Mental Floss Magazine Blog

Another charitable search engine-Charity Cafe.

This is for all of the Harry Potter Fans out there and also a few philatelists. France has issued a Harry Potter stamp. The collection will feature Harry, Hermione and Ron Weasley.

Progressive Farmer Magazine has released their annual 10 Best Places in Rural America to Live list. Glad to see that some place in Pennsylvania made the list. Not my neck of the woods, but that's okay.

This is the International Polar Year. I have always had this raging interest in the Arctic and Antarctica. It upsets me that our lifestyle is, and I say that definitively, ruining these magical, pristine places. Do we really want to live in a world without (probably because I've always been so freakin' hot) no polar bears?

I have been going round and round about purchasing a pair of Crocs. I had some on the other day and didn't purchase them and then I went in the Hallmark store and they had them in there. I probably will be getting a pair or 2 in the next month. Hallmark also had the ever popular Jibbitz.

I read Population 485 by Michael Perry and fell in love with him and the book. I don't read a lot of books by males. It's not even a conscious decision. I just tend to gravitate towards books by females. Now I'm reading Truck. It is just as wonderful as 485. I would love to be able to write the way this man does. I have a friend who is simply ga ga over politician. She always says that she's a politician groupie. Well, I am an author groupie. If I ever met Michael Perry I know I would behave like a babbling school girl.

Have a good weekend.

"An optimist is the human personification of spring." - Susan J. Bissonette

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