Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Round Up

I love the curly pink fluffiness of the Kwanzan Cherry Tree.

IMPORTANT NOTE-If you are a Maryland driver and you obtain new license plates, DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT throw your old ones away. Return them to the DMV and obtain a receipt.

Sorry to hear that Henning Mankell has penned the last Wallander mystery.

We had a lot of pheasants in my area (Southwestern PA) growing up, but none that looked like the Lady Amherst.

What could be better than a nice meal and a free book-Traveler's Food and Books.

Secret messages in jewelry.

I love this house on a harbor in Maine. I'm not one for a lot of white appliances and decor, but it seems appropriate to homes that are so close to a body of water, preferably the beach. Oh, if only I had deep pockets.

I've posted about Swan Island Blankets before, but they are so worth another post. Just gorgeous.

Diggin' these blackboard garden labels.

I just finished reading a children's book by Wendy Mass entitled Every Soul a Star (Little, Brown and Company). This is a wonderful story about 3 very different kids who meet at a summer camp to witness a solar eclipse. If you have a child that is an astronomy fan or even if you are, read this lovely story. You won't be sorry.

Some other books that sparked an interest: The Red Market: On the Trail of the World's Organ Brokers, Bone Thieves, Blood Farmers and Child Traffikers (Morrow\HarperCollins)by Scott Carney and Nighttime Nursery Rhymes: A Bedtime Shadow Book compiled by Barbara Paulding. The latter title would make a lovely baby shower gift or a great gift for a young child.

If you are lucky enought to be visiting New England this srpring, then you must make Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts a stop. The Bridge of Flowers is a must-sees while you are in the area. The bridge was originally a trolley track crossing the Deerfield River. Falling into disrepair once the trolly service ended in 1928, the bridge became an eyesore.

The bridge was purchased by the Shelburne Falls Fire District since the bridge carried water mains. At the impetus of a couple of townspeople funds were raised and the bridge was turned into a floral footpath.

Very large photographs of whales.

How women see color as opposed to men.

An astrobiology graphic novel.

Can you locate the painter in these ingenius paintings?

Oh my goodness!!! These are great, but I wouldn't be able to take advantage of them. Especially the first one. YIKES!! Crazy in love with all of the Scandinavian countries though.

That's all for this week.

"To live and let live, without clamour for distinction or recognition; to wait on divine love; to write truth first on the tablet of one's own heart - this is the sanity and perfection of living."

~Mary Eddy

Friday, April 15, 2011

Round Up

R.I.P Manning Marable, prolific author, social activist and historian.

And, R.I.P. Jane Russell, Betty Garrett , Steve Landesberg and David Nelson.

There is a Film Noir Foundation and a National Pigeon Association.

What does your favorite kid book say about you now? Hmmmmm.

Interesting book: Dairy Queens: The Politics of Pastoral Architecture from Catherine 'de Medici to Marie Antoinette (Harvard University Press) by Meredith Martin.

I love what Roz Chast had to say at the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament.

Let Tootsie Roll Industries know what you think about their new flavors.

Some accessories for all of the bookworms out there.

Restaurant salaries.

That's all for this week folks. Once again, blogger is giving me headaches. May have to switch to Typepad. "A committee is a cul-de-sac down which ideas are lured and then quietly strangled." - Sir Barnett Cocks

Friday, April 01, 2011

Round Up

Please excuse the run-on style of this entry. I have tried over and over again to edit this entry to no avail. It's April and it is National Poetry Month. So this month why not celebrate on April 14th with Poem in Your Pocket Day. Or take part in the Free Verse Project. Here is a handy dandy events calendar if you are looking for poetry readings and other poetry-related events. I was chatting with someone yesterday about poetry and of course we started talking about our favorite poets. I like lots of poets, but the the poets that I have been reading for years are Emily Dickinson, Lucille Clifton, Langston Hughes, Billy Collins, Mary Oliver and of course William Shakespeare. Who can write a better poem (sonnet) than old Bill Shakespeare. Here is one of my absolute favorite Billy Collins poems entitled Dharma. Corpus Libris is a photoblog of people covering themselves with book covers that depict the part of body they are covering. It's a cold, rainy day (my favorite) and I think a nice Dot Calm would go down nicely. I stumbled across Little Switzerland, North Carolina the other day; a new place to add to my ever growing list. The English Muse has a wonderful blog entry on the gorgeous journals of Rachel Duarte. What fun-Do's and Don'ts of diary-keeping by Michael Palin. I think this chalkboard is so cute. Would I pay that price? Absolutely not. Famous picture book + famouse science fiction book= Good Night Dune. Interesting article on deciphering old texts. A beautiful gown made of Golden Books. Penguin's new hand-sewn book covers (Gotta love Penguin). Adorable embroidered pillowcase. This quilt show is something that I would have loved to have seen. That's all I have for this week. Have a Happy Weekend. "It is difficult to get the news from poems, yet men die miserably every day for lack of what is found there." William Carlos Williams