Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Round Up

R.I.P. Jose Saramago.

It's cool today and overcast. I am happy.

Manuals online.

The 50 best cookbooks.

The timeless beauty of National Geographic.

11 movies with librarians in starring roles.

I am having a ball traveling around Atlas Obscura.

I really enjoy ABE books blog Reading Copy. They also have a Weird Book Room. Some of these titles are hilarious.

Yum-Double Chocolate Moonshine Cake.

I admit I am obsessive about pronouncing words correctly. I'm not so rude that I correct people when they commit verbal faux pas, (except for A.-we correct each other), but I just think that it is important to at least make an attempt at learning how to pronounce words correctly. Have you noticed that it is always the person who talks too much, talks to loudly that needs the grammar and pronounciation police to arrest them? Anywho-perhaps the Carnegie Mellon Pronouncing Dictionary will assist us.

Years ago I gave my 1963 copy of The Joy of Cooking away. (what a dolt!!!). I had too many cookbooks and I gave away some of the older ones. I was young and foolish-what can I say. This site shows the history of the famous book. It would be fun to try and collect all of the editions.

I am not going to order this-I'm not, but I would love to try this Speculoos Spread. I'm a Nutella nut, but I hardly ever purchase it because I just eat it off of the spoon and fairly soon the entire jar is gone. Speculoos Spread is named after a Dutch cookie. More on that here. And here. There is probably some store in the WDC area that has this treat, but I AM NOT GOING TO LOOK FOR IT!!!

Author Andrew Carroll ( Letters of a Nation: A Collection of Extraordinary American Letters and War Letters: Extraordinary Correspondence from American Wars) has a new project. The Here is Where Project is an all-volunteer initiative to document those places in history that are forgotten. I think this is wonderful.

Nice list of alternative London maps.

Look at this blue tomato.

The Library of Congress is asking the public to vote for their favorite author who has attended the National Book Festival in the last 10 years. The National Book Festival is on September 25th this year.

Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies-Yum again!!

These map watches are incredible. I don't even need to ask what they cost. Just gorgeous.

That's all I have for now. Have a great week and if I don't post another entry bffore the long Labor Day weekend-Have a great one.

"Do not worry about people not knowing your ability: worry about not having it." - Confucius

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